Makeup Artist Opleiding Art of Colors Amsterdam
Art of Colors makeup artist school Amsterdam
Opleiding visagie Art of Colors Amsterdam
Art of Colors makeup artist school

Professional Makeup Artist Courses

OPEN DAY on Thursday evening the 20th or Sunday afternoon the 23rd of February.
Click here to register for free

Become makeup artist! Click on the Makeup Artist Educations button below to view the Makeup Artist Training Courses. Now with additional free Special Effects Beauty Makeup training. No prior education required, payment in installments possible.

Are you looking for a makeup artist for TV, film, video clips, photo shoots or for the day of your life? Click on the Makeup Artist Agency button below.

Premium Quality
CRKBO Registered institution
NRTO Quality Mark

Open dagen & Make-up events

In addition to the practical Makeup Artist classes, we organize cool make-up events. View below which events are planned.

About us

So great that you found us! Art of Colors is the place to be where you can launch your career professionally as a makeup artist or hairstylist. Our makeup artist training courses form the starting point for a career as a makeup artist.

Art of Colors was founded in 2005 by Judith Doodeman. After 20 years of experience in the beauty industry, Judith wanted to start a makeup school where students learn the make-up profession in a safe and professional environment. During her career, Judith saw situations backstage that she really wanted to change.

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